Monday, March 16, 2009


I'm so happy. After what feels like weeks and weeks (in all, about 10 days or so) of gloomy, cloudy weather, today the sun is UP. It was up before I was! Bright and glorious, a gorgeous day ahead - what could be a better way for starting out my amazing new routine?

I set my alarm to get up very early. I wanted to. But last night I was up and wired until after 1am, which is incredibly late for me, and 6am just wasn't happening today. But now it's a beautiful day, and as soon as I finish with this, I am out the door and in the park for my walk, then come home, do the P90X first routine (Chest and Back!) and then feast on watermelon.

I'm nervous about the Chest and Back. Why? Because it's an entire hour of workout doing the 2 things that I, as a GIRL have the hardest time with - pullups and pushups. Seriously. But watching the video, there's this girl who is about my size, only leaner, and she's cranking them out. Pushups on her toes, and pullups without assistance. Sometimes she uses a chair to assist the pullups, which I'll be doing as well, of course, but still. If there was anything in the world that could indicate progress in my body, it would be an eventual ability to do even one unassisted pullup and even one full pushup on my toes.

The fun thing is that now I have friends doing this too! My friend Q is already starting it with her husband, and my friend H is going to join in from across the pond. This is pretty cool.

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