Tuesday, December 9, 2008

december 9: reflexes

yesterday i had my first-ever reflexology session. one of my students, richard ritz, has a practice (www.austinreflexology.com), and gave me a session in trade. i didn't really know what to expect, but i have to say that it was very very cool. he found a huge wad of congestion, tightness, compaction, i don't know what the reflexologists call it, on the "small intestine reflex" on my left foot. he found another smaller one on the right foot. but man! he worked that left foot like crazy, and it HURT! i could feel the little knots of whatever it was that he was working on as his thumb moved over them and as they broke apart, and when i was done, i felt almost like i had a stone bruise in the sole of my foot, without the bruising part. i also felt really wiped out tired afterwards. he asked, as he was working on it, if i had any "chronic gas problems". well, ummm, yeah. only all the time, right? so i didn't feel anything major change right away, not until later, when i could feel more gurgling going on than i'm used to. i went home and fell asleep early, and then woke up this morning at 5.30 ready to GO. had quite the bowel movement, which was absolutely full of gas and mucus - it's always a stunner to see that stuff in the bowl. i'm still very gurgly and gassy, but i'm rather convinced. i think i actually feel more convinced by reflexology to clean out the system than i am by colon hydrotherapy. more about strengthening the tissues by removing congestion than by introducing an additional element. my body has certainly responded. and besides, colonics only get the colon, right? i was really surprised that i had really no pain along the colon reflexes, only in the small intestine. i haven't heard anybody talk about small intestine health in a long time. everyone's so focused on the colon. so - i'm impressed. i'm impressed and i'm going to do it again just as soon as i need to, and to continue to do it until it's healed.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I'm stunned at all the reflexology drama. I didn't even have time to read it all, but Whew! Craziness abounds! Sometimes it's hard to appreciate all the different viewpoints, eh?
