Sunday, July 20, 2008

july 20: a consistent pattern

i've been doing a lot more blog snooping and getting to know a bit more about my fellow Raw Fu'er's, and here's what i'm seeing that i've seen in myself SO MANY TIMES!!! ugh! it's incredible how often this comes up, but now its so glorious to be able to see the pattern and know that it's not just me!!!

here's the pattern: Raw Food Works! it kicks butt, actually, makes you feel like a million bucks, makes you look like the most gorgeous creature on the planet, just glowing and radiant and otherworldly. i've seen all these amazing photographs of weight loss and toning up and glowing and looking incredible.

and then... one bite. ONE BITE!!! and never, ever because someone feels like they "need" it. never from hunger or not feeling great, but from a different place - complacency, temptation, self-sabotage, whatever. ONE BITE. one bite of cooked food, maybe for a special occasion or maybe for convenience, and then:

BOOM! WHOOSH!! POOF!!! a binge is born! and the binge continues, and the pounds and the guilt and the self-flagellation build up. how many times have i seen "lean healthy and glowing" followed by "2 months and 20 pounds later..." in pictures? it's astonishing.

the problem in that rapid weight gain is not the fault of the raw food. the metabolism hasn't slowed down, the body has just gotten to a point where it no longer has tolerance for the crap you're putting in it. if you clean your house until it sparkles and shines, and then neglect it for 2 months, is the dust the fault of the cleaning products? were they not strong enough? of course not.

for me, reading these has been a joyous revelation. its not just me!!! we all go through the same agony, because COOKED FOOD IS POISON. flat out. i may have mocked david wolfe for being so hard core, but i'm seeing it. it's so clear to me. cooked food is poison, and to eat it is to poison yourself, on purpose. i can see now that eating cooked food is as much a deathwish as is smoking or drinking. it will kill you, perhaps just as quickly, maybe even faster, and it is a hard and painful way to go. that could never have been the Creator's intention.


  1. It's so true how we all seem to have a lot in common when it comes to our relationship with food. Although I feel I have done quite well with the raw food lifestyle, since making the transition almost a year ago now, I still find myself every so often breaking down and having a few cheats...but I end up binging only to feel horrible both physically and emotionally. Fortunately it's only a few things...but I agree, the SAD food is definately poison! Especially when it gets into our heads like it does! I'm glad there are great communities online like Raw Fu, and blogs that we all share, to provide support to one another. Hang in there! :)
