Thursday, July 24, 2008

july 23: i am detoxing.

or something. my digestion is backed. way. up. how can i be constipated on all this? but i am! plus super-gassy. i was just on the pot for dunno how long, and just blowing my nose and blowing my nose a million times with all the mucus flowing. feel like crap. literally.

but i got the 80/10/10 book tonight and i’m so excited! i had to read all the testimonials first, and now i’m starting on the book itself to see how to do this. i’m ready for it. i feel that ZING of truth.

i have, however, been letting myself salt-binge, and i think that’s actually the primary digestive villain. i found this gorgeous black salt at whole foods, from the nile, and it looks like little pyramids. it’s gorgeous. and tasty. but i think it’s backing me up.

and i wiped out while reading. i had been eating some cherries, and reading, and just passed out flat like i used to do when reading with a beer! out. then woke up and went to the toilet.

so tonight, not so much. we’ll see how tomorrow goes.

1 comment:

  1. The first 2 weeks I was raw where like that... dia for a couple days, then constipation for a few days, I was thinking "how can this be? I am eating SO much fiber!" so I could totally relate! I evened out in time but I still find for me the culprit is nuts. I can eat them but only in small doses. No nut binging for me! It just slows me way down.
    I know you have been doing raw food a long time... has salt always been an issue or is it new? I have heard longer time raw people say that as their body gets cleaner it starts to reject some things... I just hope mine never rejects avocados and coconut!!!
