Saturday, July 26, 2008

july 26: OMG!!!

so i just went to the farmer’s market. woo-hoo! after getting over my initial bummedness that all the watermelons were sold (gotta get up pretty early to get watermelons in this town...), i found FIGS!!!! OMG OMG OMG. figs figs divine sexy figs! i ate i don’t know how many – i had to control myself at the little tasting plate. “strawberry figs!” little brown turkey figs! big fat purple figs! FIG HEAVEN! alas, i had just spent my wad on PEACHES! OMG PEACHES!!! but next week – it’s fig time, baby! i’m gonna eat figs until my whole body tingles.

so right now i’m eating a DIVINE summer lunch of 4 peaches. it’s so just heaven. i had to share.


  1. Ohhhhh I love figs too! My friend has a fig tree in his yard that is already producing. His dad loves the figs, so he planted it for him. I told him I was gonna sneak over in the night and steal them all before his dad could pick them. HA HA HA!
    Pixy Lisa

  2. I can't remember when I last had a fig! You've got me wanting to go get some!
    & yea, some fruits are just so sweet'n'yummy, they insist on bein' a meal in itself, huh?
    Have fun preparing for the run! Sounds like some wonderful goals!
