Monday, July 28, 2008

july 28: part deux

just got to work, ok, wait.

my mini-goal on my home page at raw fu is to be able to wear these really cute plaid shorts i bought last spring that have always been too tight - even at the store. so this morning, even though i knew they wouldn't fit, one pair would go really cute with the top i wanted to wear, so i figured i'd give it a try.

i'm wearing them!! woo-hoo!! big stuff.

so i just got to work, figured i'd get on the scale, because there's just no way these shorts fit at 120 pounds.

117!!! that's right, that's right, 3 pounds down, maybe i had some water to lose after all, that's right!!!

i'm major psyched. that's 5 pounds total, in 16 days.


  1. Just checking in on ya, Rebecca! Sounds like you're in high spirits. :-) I'm so glad you're doing well! Those plaid shorts sound very cute.

  2. I think you should post a pic in your cool plaids. WOo0-HoOo00!
    Pixy Lisa
