Wednesday, October 29, 2008

october 29: end of day catch up

today was almost perfect, in terms of eating. right up until the end, when i was annoyed, and cranky, and my mangos weren't ripe, nor my bananas, nor anything else, and i had just the wee tiniest bit of tahini dressing left in the fridge. so i ate it. and now tomorrow it will be gone, if i come home annoyed after my day tomorrow.

and if i'm annoyed, i'll just have to deal with it, right? nothing more i can do.

and i was able to get some pretty important things checked off on my list of things to do today. the list is getting shorter. more manageable, to a degree. it needs to be getting longer, because i need to be writing up my project list. but first, i'm trying to just manage the one big project i have to hand.

and right now, i am TIRED. i'm uploading a video - PROGRESS! and will have that to show later, so now i need to multi-task and take care of eradicating the evidence of my day from my home. the temptation to just fall asleep is huge, but i'm not gonna do it. i'm going to stay awake until i've acheived my daily goals.

will let you know tomorrow!

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