Friday, October 31, 2008

october 31: happy halloween!

this is gonna be a long one. i've got a lot to say today!!!

first of all - halloween is so weird to me. dress your kids up in costumes and have them go round the neighborhood begging for poison? from the outsiders perspective, it sure is weird. no kids, no candy.

so today marked a very important milestone in my RawFu Challenge!!! today was the first day in my entire challenge, over 100 days so far, that i actually ate my entire 2 full bunches of greens!!!! i'm so proud of me! victoria boutenko would be so proud of me!!! i made a deeee-lish smoothie this morning with banana, tangerine juice, and spinach. a WHOLE bunch of spinach! the whole thing! and i drank it all! it was fabulous. and then on my way home, i was listening to my hunger, and my body was very clearly demanding a whole head of romaine lettuce. so that's what i had for dinner. i dressed it with lemon juice and bragg's (ok, the bragg's is so very not on the list, and it was actually very disappointing. i'm ready to let it go for good. the lettuce was better without it.) and i ate the whole thing in one sitting, ravenous, as though i hadn't eaten all day. like it was the best thing ever. it was really good!!

i ate really good today, overall. my big smoothie - 7 cups of it! - 1 coconut water, another 1/2 gallon of tangerine juice, several dates, a few pieces of fruit from a bouquet, and then my great big head of lettuce just now. i think that's a smashing day on 811!

this morning when i woke up, i so very much wanted to write a love letter out there to all the people who are finding mainstream raw food eating to be letting them down after they've gone through their big transition from a fully SAD diet. that's what would always happen with me. mainstream raw never worked well enough in the long run. i needed 811. and it's amazing what just a couple of days of eating 100% 811 have done for me! my energy is better, i look better, my outlook is better, i feel better - all in just 2 days. my weight is back down, and all i want is fruit. granted, i'm tired now. it's been a really long and very intense week.

so my new flip camera and my old mac laptop have decided they hate each other, so i'm not sure what i'm going to do about vlogging now. i love doing it, despite my fascination with how asymmetrical my face is. why has no one ever told me? it's so freakish! so no vlog for now. just me and my thoughts like this.

9.30 at night, on a friday, and i am just desperate to go to sleep! i may take 15 minutes of shut-eye just to ease my nerves, and then get up and be more productive.


  1. I was going to get a flip and read some reviews that said they did not interface well (or at all) with Macs. So I didn't get one after all, even tho I think they are really cute.

    Woo-Hoo!!! Happy about your great day of fruit and greens. I'm gonna get there, I swear! I've been having a lot of raw food dreams this week. I think I'm about ready to have another go at it.

  2. I bought a flip video and it works great with my laptop, although I don't have a mac.

    You had an amazing day with 811 :) I'm glad that you're feeling better. I completely understand the urge to write a love letter detailing the virtues of 811. I wish the whole world could experience the joy of this lifestyle :)
