Sunday, December 7, 2008

december 7: love

this post won't be so much about food. as dr doug says, there is so much more to health than just the food you eat. it's an important part, but it's just a part, no more no less.

so tonight... love. ahhhhh. i'm going out on a limb here. scary territory. oh, i can talk about how much i love eating 811, or how much i love yoga, my yoga studio, my yoga students, my friends, my family, austin, the outdoors, all that stuff. but this is where i'm publicly venturing out there to tell you all how much i love my boyfriend. isn't that AMAZING!??? it really is. it's been a very, very very long time since i could say that, or think it, or really even feel it. and we've been dating now for almost 4 months, and we haven't exchanged the "L" word (he doesn't read my blog!), or even publicly used the "boyfriend/girlfriend" terms in front of each other. we are creeping up on this nice and slow. it's wonderful. and tonight, we just had the best conversation we've ever had. we just spent 2 full hours on the phone together, a total first. we laughed more than we ever have - we don't usually crack each other up, but tonight we did. and he just had the most intense day, so we also got really serious and very intimate on an emotional level, which was really powerful. the whole thing was just amazing.

i will tell you something really funny about food. while we were talking, he walked to 7-11 to get some ice cream. later, he had some fritos. there's a raw fu meetup in dallas this weekend, and i asked him if he wanted to come along. not so much, mostly because there won't be any other men there. and i said something like, "in general, men are so much less pro-active than women about taking care of their health." then, we got back into this thing he has in which he gently accuses me of thinking that everybody needs to eat the way i do, because i think my diet is so far superior to everyone else's. now, i DON'T think everyone needs to eat the way i do, because we're all different, but i did concede that i think it would be better for everyone to start to incorporate more of the way i eat into their diets - everyone needs more fresh fruits and veg in their lives, right? he actually said, "yeah, i know i sure could..." and i said, "WHAT??? you mean that your ice cream and fritos for dinner was less healthy than my tomatoes and celery??? oh my god! the nerve i've got to think that tomatoes and celery for dinner is healthier than ice cream and fritos. man, i really am just way up on my high horse, ain't i?" it's the first time he's actually conceded to me that he needs to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and that there are aspects of his diet that are less healthy than mine. and he did with a smile and while we were laughing. this is HUGE. i'm so proud of him.

i love him.


  1. this is so great! I am so glad you shared this. =) =) =)

  2. that's cute. it must be so hard to find a vegan guy in dallas. probably less time to convert one over, huh?

