Sunday, November 9, 2008


eleven is one of my numbers. i love 11/11. nothing to do with veterans day.

so, blog silence for a few days. i fell off the wagon, hard, this weekend, but i'm back on it again. it was a last gasp after the whole dental thing. one week of transgressions. not bad. i've been through worse. and i was mostly-good while having a few cooked things here and there. i know that high-raw is not the lifestyle for me, i can only do that upon occasion and it needs to be for a pretty damn good reason. i feel better without it. i feel better without the temptations. i've been trying to live 100% raw for a really long time, and yes, it's a struggle to be 100% 100% of the time, but i am getting better at it. 811 helps enormously. more than anything else.

why? so many reasons. the big one, i think, is that on 811 you're getting enough calories from a "real food source." no empty calories, plenty of calories, and there's that total satisfaction it provides. and then there's the fact that it just simplifies everything down. is it a fresh, ripe, whole, raw fruit or vegetable? no? then it's not on my plan. pretty simple. takes all the guesswork out. and when you take out the guesswork, you also take out the trigger foods, and when you take out the trigger foods, you eliminate and alleviate almost all of the temptations. and that's a nice place to be. i'm looking forward to getting fully back there.

the plan right now is to banana-feast for a few days until the Peas on Earth challenge starts on saturday. to kind of wipe the slate clean and start over again. i need to accept that it's going to be bananas for awhile. i miss my mangos and watermelon, and i just need to get over that. it's neither here nor there. it's banana season now, and that's a good thing.

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