Sunday, August 17, 2008

august 17: big sigh of contentment

i'm eating a huge amount of watermelon. right now. it's so good. sometimes i don't want it, and when i do, it's the most amazing thing. totally light yet absolutely satisfying and filling. i've had about half, or maybe more, of a huge seeded watermelon this evening. nice big watermelon belly. feels good.

and i'm already looking forward to tomorrow morning's banana-berry-blast! isn't that amazing. no sense of deprivation. none.

i had a great experience of joining in with the whole party scene for brunch this afternoon. they all had eggs. or pancakes. or eggs with pancakes. and sausage, ham, bacon, the whole 9. i had a bowl of fruit. it wasn't, at all, a great bowl of fruit. but it was a bowl of fruit that i didn't have to special order or beg for or explain! it was just a bowl of fruit! isn't that great? i felt so normal, having brunch with friends.

of course, it's impossible to have a meal with friends without explaining the way i eat, and these were new friends, so they aren't used to me, so they had lots of questions. jade was on the other end of the table, so she wasn't there to jump in for me, and she also didn't see what i was eating, i don't think. she didn't give me the old hostess' "are you ok with that? is that enough?" she just smooched on her handsome new husband and he on her and they are so adorable i can hardly stand it. but my new friend ("friend???") asked me some good questions and WASN'T PUT OFF!! at least, not so far as i could tell, he may have been putting on a brave face. he seemed thoughtful and said that i had given him a lot to think about. that i will take!

a most excellent weekend. i've had so much energy today. i feel so good. and now i might have a new friend, too! this 811 stuff works!


  1. Congratulations on your new friend and going to brunch and feeling "normal". I too, went to IHOP last night and had a bowl of not-so-great fruit. I was just happy there was something on the menu I could order!

  2. Yeah, I find people are pretty thoughtfully interested.
