Saturday, August 9, 2008

august 9: wow!

i didn't blog yesterday! not even off-line! that's a first. i almost never go a day without doing some sort of journaling, so this is a rather bizarre realization.

what i did do: i spent the morning working on catch-up stuff for the yoga studio (i'm so behind in all my work). i geeked out a little on rawfu. i went to barton springs pool and laid out in the sunshine - i'm getting tan! and my skin is getting so strong - it can handle so much more sun now than it used to! this is very exciting to me. and i went for a few long walks, talked with some friends, got more work done, and went to bed early. it was kind of an awesome day!

so here's the dorky thing i did, which actually didn't turn out so bad a-tall. last month i bought a workout dvd from an infomercial. i confess! i never do that, but i was house-sitting and eating junkfood and watching tv and feeling lonely and horrible about myself, and this one actually seemed not-too-cheesy, so i bought it. and like most purchases of that ilk, it has sat in the box since then! but yesterday i slept in sooooo late (9:00!!! that's unheard of!) it was too late to go for a run (too hot), so i decided, let's put this dvd in and see how embarrassed i am that i bought it. but you know what??? it wasn't cheesy at all! it was actually good! it kicked my butt! today i am SORE! and it was only 10 minutes of cardio, and it totally kicked me. i love that. so now i don't feel quite so stupid.

today is watermelon day. i'm on my 2nd quart of watermelon smooice (or would that be a juithie?) - when you blend watermelon, seeds and all, in a vitamix, you get juithie! all the fiber, all the water, all the everything, but it's more like a juice. tasty goodness. and you've gotta get the seeded melons. seedless watermelons taste like nutrasweet. gross. they have an aftertaste that i cannot handle. this is a big ol' ginormous texas seeded watermelon and it's mighty fine. i think it was Koko the Gorilla who named watermelon "drink fruit." or maybe it was a community of chimps. or both. regardless, we're all on the same page. i was going to mono-melon for a day or 2, but then i went to WF last night, and i just went, well, bananas. i got kale and celery and nanas, as usual, and cherries, maybe my last (sniff!), and they had ORGANIC MANGOS! $1.99 a piece! rock. on. so i got 6. and an organic papaya and some heirloom tomatoes and a bell pepper, so i might make a papaya-tomato-pepper soup for dinner tonight. that sounds yummy.

look at me, i'm talking about food!

and now i'm off to get my sunshine. nothing better.

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