Friday, July 25, 2008

july 24: 80/10/10 KICKS ASS!

ravenous. but in a totally good way! not ravenous in that “i’d eat a house right now!” kind of panicked feeling. more like ravenous in that “wow –those tomatoes were AWESOME. wish i had more. ooh! wow! cherries!! rock on! oooh – bananas again! yippee!”

it’s the cleanest, clearest, wildest feeling of hunger and satisfaction i can ever remember having. here’s what i ate today:

3-nana smoothie
1 pint green smoothie (peach, kale, nana, cilantro)
bunch o’ cherries (2 handfuls?)
4 celery stalks
2 peaches
10-ish barhi dates
2 heirloom tomatoes
and i’m now noshing on what looks like 3 handfuls of cherries

i did also have my yerba mate with agave, and some limonada, but not that much! i didn’t feel thirsty all day, either. interesting.

like, this is so much fun, right here and now on this first day of getting to eat as much fruit as i want, that i’m literally high. not sugar high, i feel very stable. i just feel totally happy, like as if in this particular chemistry, i could never ever be unhappy again.

i checked out this awesome blog called goingbananas – i’ll get the link when i’m back online. this gorgeous girl from malaysia, writing about durian. (the only things i miss about singapore: durian, jackfruit (i love jackfruit!), and fresh sugar cane juice with lemon.) and her before and after pix were pure inspiration. she was puffy and pale and looked uncomfortable and not confident before, and her after pictures are just sexy and glowing and buff and remarkable. i hope and pray that my own pictures will inspire me and others to find this path. i’m only on the first day, first step, and i KNOW. this is it!!! no question.

i don’t have that feeling of “can i do this? will it be hard?” i feel like it’s DONE. it’s in the bag. i’m an 811 girl now. and it feels easier! it feels socially easier to explain, because now i don’t need fancy recipes to fill me up, and i don’t need to go to a certain kind of restaurant or have a certain kind of food at that restaurant and make everyone nervous and wondering what to prepare for me. gourmet raw always felt complicated. needing nuts and fats to make the meal, what kind of dressing on the salad, blah blah blah. this just feels like, “may i have a fruit salad please?” going to smoothie bars, even stupid ones – super easy! “may i have a banana smoothie please? no, no yogurt or almond butter or orange juice, just bananas and water. thank you!” how hard is that? even at the airport you can find fresh fruit! maybe not the greatest, but there it is, not having to carry food or plan things out. we’re far, far removed from a healthy culture, but at least we still know that fruit is good. this feels light years beyond my other raw experience. it feels like this is actually going to take me all the way.


  1. Good for you! I need to some research on 811 (I know very little about it) but everyone seems to love it!

    Don't you just love Sarah over at goingbananas? I want her to be my next door neighbor and make me laugh all the time.

    I came to your site by way of Sara Beth. She's cool like that. :) Congrats on the award she passed onto you!

  2. ha ha! Leave it to me to blab to the world! unless it's a secret I'm ready to share. ;)

  3. I love Sarah at goingbananas too. I'm moving toward a 811rv lifestyle also and I just love how simple it is and you really don't have to think about it.

